COVID-19 Update from NH

As you know too well, we were forced to suspend all our ongoing programs and special events on March 13th. We know it has posed very serious consequences for the families who depended on us and on the NH staff team, as well. But there was no alternative for NH but the closure decision. For…

NH COVID update to NH community

Dear Neighborhood House of Milwaukee Families and Friends, As you are too well aware, the COVID-19 virus that is so seriously affecting our community is severely impacting work at Neighborhood House (NH), as well. I am so very sorry that we were forced to suspend all our ongoing programs and special events on March 13th.…

COVID-19 News from NH

We wanted to get you an update regarding Neigborhood House and the Corona Virus. The NH management team and the NH Executive Committee of the Board both met today. In terms of the projected NH closed period, as you know, the COVID 19 situation is changing by the hour. At this time, we are certain…