COVID-19 News from NH

We wanted to get you an update regarding Neigborhood House and the Corona Virus. The NH management team and the NH Executive Committee of the Board both met today.

In terms of the projected NH closed period, as you know, the COVID 19 situation is changing by the hour. At this time, we are certain that NH will remain closed to programming for a full two weeks, through AT LEAST March 27th. It pains us to be closed to our families and we know we are causing much new stress in your lives by our closure. We are sorry….

The NH Finance and Executive Committees are meeting this Wednesday and I expect we will have more information to share soon thereafter.

On the health front, more COVID 19 info sites are below. I encourage you to visit and learn more about the challenges of Corona Virus and the ways to try to avoid them.

Best wishes and please be very cautious, both with your family’s health, and with your family’s resources.

Jeff Martinka, NH Executive Director

P.S. Coronaviris (COVID-19) Info Links to copy and share with family and friends:

US Centers for Disease Control COVID site:

City of MKE Health Dept COVID 19 site:

State of WI Health Service COVID-19 site:

MPS Free Meal Options for families:…/MPS-offers-packaged-meals…

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