An Ordinary Extraordinary Day at Neighborhood House

A team of top-notch neurosurgeons explain how our brains work, a group of local police officers and urban teens find common ground — it’s all part of an ordinary extraordinary day at Neighborhood House.

Dr. Arvind Ahuja, M.D. and associates offered teens hands-on exploration of brain anatomy, and a memorable ”bitter-sweet”  experiment to learn which side of their mouth tells the brain of a salty and sweet taste. “Neighborhood House provides the structure,” said Dr. Ahuja, “where things like this can happen.” The teens’ eager questions and engagement made it a satisfying learning event for everyone, the second in a series of talks on brain function.

Neighborhood House also hosts a series of listening circles sponsored by Safe & Sound, a crime-reduction initiative in Milwaukee.  This week the family lounge was the site of a powerful opportunity for building relationships of trust and understanding between youth and law enforcement.

“I liked being with a police officer for a good reason, not a bad reason!” said Rhonda. ” I learned that a police officer is always working, always looking out for things. And she learned that I have a dream to go to Paris.”

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