HealthFest 2015 Rocks the House!

Real Wisconsiners are not deterred by the cold, and 103 of them turned out for Health Fest 2015, a Neighborhood House annual event. Despite frigid temps on Saturday, folks took advantage of free screenings for high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and STDs (City of Milwaukee Health Department was pleased to see a number of people from the Burmese community in this effort), and vision checks. Twenty-five got free breast exams, and ten people signed up for health insurance before the Feb. 15th deadline (contributing to a total of 205,839 who signed up across Wisconsin). Everybody had a chance to get moving (and warm up) with Zumba, and a Tai Chi lesson. The event was co-sponsored by the Medical College of Wisconsin branch of  APAMSA (Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association).  Thanks to our friends at Jammin’ 98.3 for spreading the word.

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