Healthy Partnerships

[slideshow] What do healthy partnerships look like? Physicians providing information and screenings free of charge, representatives from over 30 different vendors offering free vision and blood pressure checks, impaired driver testing, and handing out free healthy snacks, gifts, reading glasses and childrens’ books.  American Red Cross, WIC (Women, Infant and Children, Marquette Dental School, and Milwaukee Police Department’s …

Giving Thanks 2012, Family-Style

[slideshow] Over 150 people attended the Neighborhood House annual Giving Thanks Dinner and Family Fun Night, including staff, kids and teens, and even some new arrivals from the Congo and Burma who tasted their first American Thanksgiving. An array of home-made side dishes accompanied the traditional turkey dinner. The University of Kids Club provided entertainment, a…


[slideshow] “From age eleven to twelve, I was a menace to society. The police knew who I was just by my walk. The people I was around had me doing things that could have gotten me locked away– from fighting with people in the neighborhood to running from the police.” Dyrell Minor, winner of the 2012 Ray Woods Youth…

Fun and Fundraising at the Pfister

To all who took part in the Neighborhood House Annual Celebration, “Celebrating the People in Our Neighborhood” – a heartfelt thanks for your support! Over 300 guests attended the event, testing their wits against fifth graders, battling it out in auctions, taking in the fabulous Hmong dancers,  fishing for advice from Edwin Evers, and surpassing our fundraising expectations.…

A Hands-on Halloween

[slideshow]Halloween is an occasion for hands-on language and cultural experiences for ILC students. For many this is their first exposure to this American holiday tradition. Teacher Cynthia’s class carved  jack-o-lanterns, practicing English along the way. Some students thought it was wasteful to use food in this way, but others stepped up to the plate to…